New Year, New Art Center!

PAG Board President Marion Nelson talks about new things happening at the gallery
Although closed during the Pandemic, the PAG has been hard at work behind the scenes renovating the Art Center. “We couldn’t justify opening given that we have so many volunteers that help us out at the front desk, and the tourism was for sure going to be down,” Nelson said. “It really just didn’t make sense. And so after certainly much hand wringing, we decided that (closing) was the way to go, and then that gave us this opportunity to get in here and tear into some things.”
The building that is now the Fine Art Center was originally a small jailhouse, built by volunteer firefighters and police officers in the 1950s, Nelson said. The jail cell is still in place, wrought-iron bars and all, and now serves as the back office.
One major part of the renovations will involve removing a wall in the back part of the building that will expand the space used for workshops and offer an unobstructed view of the jail cell, which Nelson said is always a big draw for visitors.
New windows throughout the gallery, improved lighting, and a three-compartment sink are also included in the renovation plans.
Nelson said that although these renovation plans have been in place for about three years, it was only recently that the Art Guild was able to receive funding from the city of Kenai to cover the costs.

Read more about the Art Center renovations in the Peninsula Clarion: